Mr Tootsee McGootsee book cover

About the Book

Read all about Mr. Tootsee McGootsee

By Kevin Rooney
Illustrated By Joe Huffman

Mr. Tootsee McGootsee is a timeless tale set in a charming town. In this town lives Mr. Tootsee McGootsee, a gentleman known not just for his impeccable style and polished shoes, but also for a rather peculiar issue that often leaves the townsfolk left frustrated and mad. With a name as unforgettable as his, Mr. Tootsee's little "problem" is something he'd rather keep under wraps. However, as he navigates the bustling streets and lively parks, he realizes that sometimes, a toot can't be kept silent.

Through perfectly timed rhyme, Mr. Tootsee McGootsee discovers that there's a time and place for everything, even for a little toot. This tale is not only a celebration of self-acceptance but also a reminder that laughter is, indeed, the best medicine.

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Meet Mr. Tootsee McGootsee, the man with a memorable name but a stinky problem. Journey to a quaint little town where a finely dressed man discovers tooting has a place in the right space.

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Tootsee McGootsee - Paperback


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About the Author

Meet Kevin Rooney

“It’s Gonna be a Great Day!” is Kevin’s favorite expression. Originally born in Guelph, Ontario Canada, Kevin grew up always wanting to go to school to be a journalist and tell stories. His passion for sports won over journalism and he spent over 20 years in professional sports from the NHL to NASCAR and the PGA Champions Tour. With the arrival of his two daughters, his passion for storytelling and humor returned with nightly stories told in new and different ways to his girls. Most of his current works have their roots in the family time he and his wife spend reading to their daughters. Now calling Southwest Florida home, more books are in development and soon to become kid favorites.

Author Kevin Rooney with a Mr. Tootsee McGootsee cutout.

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